
Are you prepared for a moment of truth and knowledge? Are you steeled up enough to know the truth? Will your mind be up to the challenge of the noesis? Is your mind strong enough to realise this revelation?
If your answer to any of these questions is "NO," you must withdraw immediatley for I will not be held liable for any mental or physical breakdown as a result of your exposure to this truth and knowledge!
If you have answered "YES" to all of the above questions, prepare yourself, sit back, take a deep breath, and double-click anywhere on this text.


I’m giving AndoScot a long overdue overhaul and a facelift.

If you have saved the URL’s of A Haunting Experience and The Book of Acts, you will still be able to access them for a short while. Eventually, they too will be dragged into the mixer and revamped. I’m not sure when we will be back up and running but I will say that it won’t be for too long....I hope!


Well, I redesigned and built the new AndoScot Website and then set about working on A Haunting Experience. Unfortunately, when I returned to the new AndoScot, I realised that it was awful. So I'm rebuilding it, again. I'll get there in the end. It's just that I don't know when I will arrive there. LoL.

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